Mr. Hassan Al Kuwari, the Qatar Stars League’s Head of General Events, James Mwale, Head of Evolution's GOALZ Programme along with other officials were all present for the signing ceremony.
Originally, the exciting GOALZ Programme was designed to deliver a fun and educational football coaching programme to 24 schools in Qatar.
The programme was designed to develop a strong relationship between school children and the 14 QSL football clubs. In addition, the programme now aims to engage more schools, looking to increase the participation of children not just in football but sport as a whole.
Last season the GOALZ Programme engaged with 24 primary schools, delivering 11 tournaments. The initiative held 22 football festivals and trained children from an incredible 86 different nationalities. The gender split for last year was 30% female and 70.% male.
Qatari participation was a strong point of the GOALZ Programme with 20.6% of all participants being Qatari Nationals.
Mr. Hassan Al Kuwari, the Qatar Stars League’s Head of General Events said, “The QSL follows the GOALZ project by reading the weekly reports. The GOALZ team is constantly visiting schools around the country and the QSL works closely with the GOALZ management. We are always looking to improve the programme and listen closely to any comments or feedback.”
He added, “Also the clubs have a responsibility towards their local community by engaging their players with the schools and football festivals. The player visits give the GOALZ Programme extra prestige and pulling power. It is also a good opportunity for the QSL clubs to spot young talent at these fun events.”
James Mwale, Head of Evolution's GOALZ programme said, “With GOALZ we have seen massive success so far. We have been working with a number of schools and thousands of young people and have been able to develop their love for the game and crucially raise awareness of the Qatar Stars League.”
He added, “Moving forward, we are excited to be working on a shared vision with the QSL on developing grassroots football in Qatar and changing the lives of young people in the local community through football.”
The GOALZ programme creates new fans of the game and raises the profile of the 14 QSL clubs in a fun and engaging way.